Resources / Information / Updates / Activities

Father Joe's Homilies
Review and read Father Joe's weekly homilies.​
Video messages from Father Joe
& Devotions
Pray the Joyful Mysteries with Fr. Joe
Pray the Luminous Mysteries with Fr Randy and Sandy
Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries with Fr. Andrew
Pray the Glorious Mysteries with Deacon Rick and his Family
Divine Mercy Chaplet - Deacon Doug and Deacon Scott
Divine Mercy in Song - Chris Maag
Adoration Hour (previously recorded 3/19/20)
Pray the Stations of the Cross with Fr. Joe and Fr. Andrew
Revelation Study Series with Deacon Scott
Programming & Playlists
Find additional resources and playlist on
our YouTube Channel.
Intentional Faith from Fr. Joe
Day by Day (DBD) with Fr. Randy
Thoughts & Teachings from Fr. Andrew
Music for Joy, Comfort, Meditation - Karen,
Music Director
St. Therese Sings Praise
St. Therese Sings Prayer
St. Therese Sing Along
Easter Joy - Organ Recital
St. Therese Sings
Marriage and Family Life with Deacon Scott
RCIA Message from Deacon Doug
Additional Resources
Find additional downloadable pdf resources below
Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions (pdf)
World Apostolate of Fatima - First Saturday Devotation
Joyful Mysteries (pdf) Sorrowful Mysteries (pdf).
Glorious Mysteries.(pdf). Luminous Mysteries (pdf)
Meditation, Ignatian Mediation (pdf)
St. Therese Online Resources / Alternative Avenues for Prayer and Adoration (pdf)