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Parish Organizations

Altar & Rosary

All women of the parish, ages 18 and over, are automatically members of the St. Therese Altar & Rosary Society. The Society provides care and support for the altar as well as various fundraising events throughout the year which include The Princess Tea Party, Super Bowl Bake Sale, Cinnamon Bread Bake, etc. 

Contact: Kelly Johnson, President -

Membership Letter 2023 (pdf) Click to Download

A&R Membership Registration Click to Register


​Fatima Prayer Group

The World Apostolate of Fatima Prayer Cell is a weekly spiritual gathering where members endeavor to grow in holiness by responding to Our Lady of Fatima's requests for prayer, penance and sacrifice in a spirit of reparation.  We meet in the Parish Library on Friday mornings from 7:30 to 8:30am to pray a program of prayer which includes the Rosary and prayers from the Fatima apparitions. 

We also lead First Saturday Devotions from 9-9:15 after the 8:30 am Mass. 

Contact: More information is at


Finance Council

Assist the Pastor in matters pertaining to parish finances and properties. May offer information or guidance or review of annual budget. They may inform parishioners of the financial status of the parish. 

Time Commitment: Once a month morning meeting

Contact: Jonathan Rhodes at 816.741.2800, ext. 217


Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

This social ministry offers parishioners a chance to meet and become better acquainted with fellow members of our faith community. Dinners are held the 1st Saturday of each month from October to April. Dinners are pot-luck style for 6-12 people and asked to provide either a salad, vegetable, or dessert. Hosts provide entree and drinks. Participation is open to all adult members of the parish, married or single, and regular monthly attendance is NOT required.

Contact: Kathrine Swanson,


Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization open to all Catholic men of the parish. Fundraisers held throughout the year provide funding for parish needs. They conduct programs for the youth, elderly, and those in the community with special needs.

Knights of Columbus website

Time Commitment: Various

Contact: Rob Perschau at 816.516.9693


Legion of Mary

Spiritual organization of lay Catholics who become instruments of the Holy Spirit through prayer and work. Learn More HERE.


Library Committee

The Library Committee oversee, maintain, and develop the resources of our Parish Library. The Committee meets weekly on Wednesday morning from October through May.

Time Commitment: 3-4 hours each week

Contact: Mary Jane Potts at


Marriage Retrouvaille

Peer group ministry assisting couples in troubled marriages offered through the Archdiocese. This program offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage.

Contact: 816.505.0510 or visit


Mothers of Young Children 

A group for mothers with young children. We have small group meet ups, playdates and family events! Find us on Facebook - search for "St. Therese MOYC". Contact:


Natural Family Planning

Adult education regarding marriage and children.

Contact: Fertility Care of Kansas City,

The Couple to Couple League,


Over 50 Gang!

A quarterly gathering potluck luncheon is held for parishioners "over 50" on a Wednesday in March, June, September, and December. We have short programs consisting of a guest speaker, entertainment, or a group activity. All seniors of the parish are invited.

Contact: Berenice McHale at 816.746.1345 or


Pastoral Council

Developed according to Canon Law to serve in an advisory role to the Pastor. This is a three-year commitment with new members cycling off and on each year.

Time Commitment: Meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Contact: Karen Engebretson 816.741.2800, ext 258,


Respect Life Ministry

Assist with various projects and activities such as the Baby Bottle Drive, the Spiritual Adoption program, the Advent Angel Tree, or Mothers Day Baby Shower. 

Contact: Mary Pat DeStefano at​​


​Journey New Life in Christ

The Journey Experience is an opportunity for parishioners to build meaningful and lasting relationships. The process consists of a retreat weekend and  formation, conducted by fellow parishioners. Participants may sign up by clicking on the links below:

Women's Retreat: March 22 - 23

Men's Retreat: April 5 - 6

Contact: Call the Parish office at 816.741.2800, if you have additional questions.


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