Annual Sponsorship Opportunities
Your tax deductible sponsorship is a great way to gain visibility for your company and support a community we all love!
For payments via cash or credit card Contact Jonathan Rhodes at 816.741.2800 ext 217 or jrhodes@sttheresenorth.org

Platinum Sponsor $10,000
Presenting Sponsor Event Acknowledgement – Company name/logo published at all Annual St. Therese events put on by Early Education Center, School and Parish
Virtual Auction Package for 10 delivered to your destination of choice including swag, individually packaged food and alcoholic beverages
Team of 4 for Annual Golf Tournament and Full page ad in Golf Program
Featured Full page ad in bulletin once a year
Car service to and from auction (if auction is virtual car service to be used for any personal outing of your choice)
Premium sponsorship ad (with link to your website) on auction mobile bidding platform​
Front Row Christmas Eve Pew and Parking spot for 4:00pm Christmas Eve Mass
Front Row Easter Pew and Parking Spot for 10am Easter Mass
Large Banner in school gymnasium – specific to your company
All the amenities of a supporting sponsor
Gold Sponsor $5,000
(4 available)
Virtual Auction Package for 10 delivered to your destination of choice including swag, individually packaged food and alcoholic beverages
Sponsorship ad (with link to your website) on auction mobile bidding platform
Team of 4 for Annual Golf Tournament and Half page ad in Golf Program, includes team mulligans
Featured Half page ad in bulletin once a year
6 Reserved Spots in a Pew and Parking Spot for 6:30pm Christmas Eve Mass
Large Banner in school gymnasium – specific to your company
All the amenities of a supporting sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Table of 10 with premium seating at the auction event
Team of 4 for Annual Golf Tournament and Half page ad in Golf Program
Large Banner in school gymnasium – specific to your company
Logo on the back of the STS Robotics team t-shirts
All the amenities of a supporting sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Table of 10 with premium seating at annual Gala event
¼ page ad in Golf Program
All the amenities of a supporting sponsor
Supporting Sponsor
Event Acknowledgement – Company name/logo published at all Annual St. Therese events put on by Early Education Center, School and Parish
Featured every quarter in social media, newsletters and bulletin acknowledgement
Logo featured on new parish website and annual sponsorship section
Current Sponsors